No one left hungry!
Name of the initiative: Community Action to Inspire Hope
Organisation form: Informal organisations
Country: Greece
Domain: Solidarity initiative, Social and neighborhood support
Starting year: 2020
Keywords: Covid, elderly, food supplies, vulnerable groups
The informal group emerged as a response to the Covid-19 virus and the dire financial situation many deprived or vulnerable households faced in our neighbourhood. It is an informal group that intends to purchase (and home deliver) or reimburse for purchase of grocery shoppings up to value of 30 EUR per household, upon proof of need (recipient of state allowances; one-member household aged 65+; sudden loss of income; 3+ member household with two+ minor children). It is solely funded by donations and relies on the commitment of volunteers.
Contributor: Chris Pavlakis, Volunteer coordinator
Date added: 30.04.2020