The 7th Management Committee meeting "Taking Stock"
The 7th MC meeting of our Action took place on 19 May 2020. It should have been in sunny Limerick, Ireland, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the travel restrictions, it had to take place online. 31 of the 37 member countries were represented.
Dr. Mónica Pérez Cabero, the COST Science Officer in charge with our action, and Mariana Clohessy, the administrative assistant responsible for the action on behalf of the Grant Holder- the University of Limerick, also participated in the meeting.
There were presentations from the STSM and ITC chairs and Working Group leaders.
All the WGs have made good progress and all deliverables are on track. The Action Dashboard presented by our Science Officer showed that the action activities are well balanced regarding participation and budget expenditure..
You can find all the documentation in relation to the MC meeting here: the agenda, the minutes, and the slides.
An idea that emerged during the meeting was that of organising short online lunch time talks, where different action participants invite guests to speak about the collaborative economy. More about this soon!