Call for Papers:Special Issue on “Repositioning Codesign in the Age of Platform Capitalism: From Sharing to Caring”
In this special issue of the Co-Design journal, we are calling for contributions which discuss how co-design is positioning itself in the age of “platform capitalism” (Snricek, 2016). We are looking for both theoretical reflections on the position of co-design and empirical cases of co-design which can shed better light on these dynamics.
Digital platforms, often labelled as part of the “sharing economy”, are becoming increasingly relevant to both the daily lives of private individuals and to the direction and operation of social and political systems. As these tools transform various communities (of interest, place, practice, and circumstance) to establish new forms of connection, welfare, labour, and service, there emerge fundamental questions around the perils of their design and use and the possibilities for thinking about fair alternatives.
Find more details in the Call for Papers!
Possible directions for the papers:
- What role could co-design play in establishing new and different commons-based forms of economic activities and systems?
- How does the collaborative character of co-design interrelate with the commodification of digital social relations?
- How might co-design be interrogated, redefined, and evaluated as a means to encourage care and social collaboration?
- September 2017: launch of the call
- 22nd December 2017: Submissions deadline for intentions to contribute
- 28th February 2018: Notification of relevance sent to authors
- 31st May 2018: submission of full papers
- 7th September 2018: post-review notification of accept / reject / revisions to authors
- 7th December 2018: Deadline for submission of revised papers
- 8th February 2019: Final selected papers to production
- September 2019: Publication of the Special Issue
Guest Editors
- Gabriela Avram, University of Limerick
- Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, Queensland University of Technology
- Stefano De Paoli, Abertay University
- Ann Light, University of Sussex
- Peter Lyle, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
- Maurizio Teli, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute