Working Group 3 Meeting in Edinburg

The WG3 meeting in Edinburgh on 23 October 2019 was highly productive, as we moved from discussing the individual methodologies in our basket of tools for impact assessment to discuss them in relation to one another. This has opened a perspective for better showing how each of these can contribute to assessing the impact of sharing economy initiatives, and it helps moving forward to establishing guidelines for future platforms. We also initiated a closer cooperation with WG2, such that their work on establishing technical guidelines and our work devising social guidelines for future platforms can be coordinated and possibly mirror each another. Gaia Mosconi and Christian Frankel have both decided to step back as leaders and instead become regular members of WG3. Venere Sanna and Laura Michelini were proposed and accepted to take on the Working Group leadership, and their new roles as leaders of WG3 has been made official by the vote of the Management Committee today.
The chair of the Action is making efforts to reformulate deliverable 3.1 to better match the work WG3 has actually undertaken. The new D3.1, which we expect to be approved by the COST Association, is an "impact methods white paper". Our deliverables have the following deadlines: The impact methods white paper is due on month 35 (which approximately is March 2020. The deadline for D3.2 is month 46.