Working group 4 : Mechanisms to Activate and Support the Collaborative Economy
While the other working groups are dealing with an analysis of established cases of collaborative economy, WG4 will focus on the moment in which the selected collaborative economy cases have emerged, in order to identify what allows them to pass from an emerging phase to a certain kind of stability.
WG4 leaders: Maurizio Teli and Chiara Bassetti
That implies questioning the power structures they enact, the way value is produced and distributed, how production is organized, and how existing institutions support the collaborative practices at stake. Summarizing, it means to understand both the governance of collaborative economy and the way work is organized, in order to provide policy briefs that can promote the strengthening of inclusive cases of collaborative economy.
Task list
T4.1 Socio-technical study of the emergence of the selected cases
T4.2 Inductive elaboration on the role of governance and work in achieving success
Deliverable list
D4.1 Collection of studies on governance
D4.2 White paper on the policy briefs to support future platforms