Working group 2 : Platforms for the Collaborative Economy
The objective of WG2 is to understand the technical platforms and infrastructures upon which the collaborative economy is built. The overarching objective of WG2 is to understand the challenges and opportunities for the design and development of future and inclusive platforms.
WG2 leaders: Myriam Lewkowicz and Kostas Stefanidis
To achieve this goal, WG2 will rely upon the set of case studies collected by WG1, focusing on the technical features and infrastructures that support the collaborative practices and community aggregation. Indeed, WG2 will create a synthesis of the mechanisms that are technically available in relation to their effects on collaboration and economic relation. They will be studied not only in their positive support to collaboration but also in their constraints and limitations, observing how people practically overcome such limitations.
Task list
T2.1 Identify sets of technical features of existing collaborative digital platforms
T2.2 Definition of challenges and opportunities for design and development
Deliverable List
D2.1 Catalogue of technical platforms and mechanisms they use to support the collaborative economy (section of the SharingAndCaring website)
D2.2 White Paper on the technical design and development of future platforms